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Jury Duty and Stuff….

juryI had jury duty today.  I don’t know what it’s like where you’re from, but here it is a guaranteed boring day.  You are expected to show up at 8:30 am at the courthouse and spend the entire day there with just an hour or so off for lunch.  Cell phones, PDAs and Ipods are not allowed in the courthouse – guaranteeing a boring time.  Curiously, laptop computers are allowed.  My little laptop has phone software (gizmo) and a built-in camera and loads of MP3 files – but I can’t have a cell phone??

Joe the snake

We were fortunate today – we were released at about 12:30 pm.  I sat in a chair reading for four hours – not so bad.  There were over forty trials scheduled for today and they only called folks for one jury panel.  That means that at least 39 trials were avoided by last-minute settlements.  Is that justice?  Sounds a bit messy to me.  In any case, I likely won’t have to be called up again for another 2 years or so.  I did finish reading My Grandfather’s Son, an autobiography by Justice Clearance Thomas.  It was a nicely written and interesting story, although it gave me another reason to dislike our vice president, who is mentioned near the end of the book.  The more that I read about him, the less that I respect him.

Last night, we experiemced a performance by the Bryn Mawr Mainliners – a mens singing group that performs barbershop – type music.  It’s always more fun to watch performers when they are having a really good time – these guys were really getting into their music.  There were some traditional quartet performances as well as songs by the    entire chorus.

We saw their performance while visiting my Aunt Claire yesterday.  She has recently moved into a retirement facilityclaire in Kennett Square, about 30 minutes north of here.  It’s called Crosslands.  We had a buffet style dinner with her in their cafeteria.  The singers were the after-dinner entertainment.  Aunt Claire has a nice little apartment there.  Crosslands seems like a nice place with loads of activities.  I can say that the food was pretty good – especially the spice cake with cream-cheese icing.   mmmmmm  I’m not sure that I would want to live in a place like that myself, but she seems happy to be there.

That’s her Jack Russell Terrier, Fanny, on her lap.  The residents there are allowed to keep one pet, although they’re not allowed to let them roam.  There was some discussion last night about “illegal cats” at Crosslands.  Cats are legal, of course, but aren;t allowed to roam outside by themselves.  Those that do are deemed “illegal”.

Looks like we’re going to be moving this spring.  Although I have enjoyed my years as the Baron of B Street, the size of this house is just too small for three people.  Our offer on another house was accepted yesterday, but there’s a lot to get done between now and settlement.  More about that later.  It’s a shame, though.  This week we sanded down and refinished the stair railing and post – it looks kinda antiquey and distressed.  Stair treads are next.  We’ll replace the concrete walk here this spring as planned, but i think we’ll give up on the deck.  Need our money and time for the new place.


gimme gimme gimme….

My tax money is going to go to bail out folks in $194K houses, but I live in the ‘hood.

The government is rewarding and subsidizing bad behavior with their new mortgage program.

What ever happened to our pride?  We’re Americans – why is it okay for us to be standing around with out hands out expecting the government to save us from our bad decisions?

If you’re house is worth less than you paid for it, that’s okay.  YOU BOUGHT IT TO LIVE IN.  If the value drops a little, what difference is it to you unless you need to sell it right away? Long-term, housing prices pretty much follow the inflation rate.  Thanks to gobs and gobs of recent unjustified and wasteful government spending, we can expect to see some inflation soon, and house prices should start increasing again.  Those of you that saved instead of borrowed – that same inflation will eat away at your savings.  It’s a punishment for trying to provide for yourself – there’s no need anymore.  Obama is going to take care of everyone…..



I was thinking of re-reading “Atlas Shrugged” – seems particularly relevant now.






One response to “Jury Duty and Stuff….”

  1. […] we took my aunt out for the day.  She is in a very nice retirement home near here, but chafes at the restrictions […]

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