My Blog

Oh look! More snow! I love my FIOS…

Bunny tracks outside the kitchen door

We had more snow overnight – just a few inches.  Not too unusual for January in the mid-atlantic, I suppose.  The last time that we had snow, I saw rabbit tracks just outside our kitchen door – they were there again this morning.  I did see a bunny in that area just once last summer – it may have been the same one.  Judging from the spacing between the tracks, he’s a big guy (for a bunny).  Now that the picture’s posted, I can see that I should have had something else in the frame to provide scale…

Yup, that's fast

FIOS is here.  The tech showed up this afternoon, within a few minutes of the scheduled time.  He did a great job explaining the new system to me and seemed to do a very professional job of installing the required equipment.  He really appreciated the mounting area and the dedicated electrical outlet that I set up in advance of his visit.  How do I like the new system?  The test results to the left show that my present internet download speed is about 10 x the speed that I was getting with ADSL.  My contract specifies 15 mb/s download, but I’m getting 25+.  I haven’t yet tried to download any huge files, but normal browsing is pretty snappy.  The tech ran coaxial cable  between the network box and my new (Verizon supplied) wireless router, but from there, it’s just the normal cat 5 cable that I had before.  With very little work, everything has been changed over to the new system.  I can’t say enough about the professionalism of the technician or the quality of the service.  I’m gonna go download a movie in a few minutes, just to see what happens.

I’m still working on getting something going on the employment front.  I had a phone interview today – I think that it went pretty well.  I might have a real, in person interview next week.  Things are looking up a bit.  That’s a good thing.

This weekend, we’re going to have a replay of last week’s disappointing football game between our home team Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys.  This time, it’s a playoff game.  One team moves to the next round, the loser goes home and waits for next season.  I read a notable quote in the paper today from Eagles linebacker Jeremiah Trotter.

“I’m not focusing on the [Cowboys] star, I’m not focusing on the show,” he said Thursday. “The only thing I’m focusing on is going down there and hitting somebody in the mouth.”

Pretty much says it all, right there…







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